Portfolio & Resume
"Junior Me" Curriculum Futurum (CF)
I know it is weird to share a document of this kind as it’s not common and it’s not what we’re used to.
Even though the existing mechanisms didn’t support these sorts of compilements, I used to write my un/successes down as soon as I got over them. Thus, I always used to feel the passion and igniting power of success inside me. It never boosted me more than necessary, but it always made sure that I was on the move and the way, working hard with no “unproductive” breaks. As I found this “Junior Me” document in Turkish in the dusty, old files, I immediately felt an urge to turn it into English to publish. Here it is... The most truthful and naive document of my “grown-up” life.
10.2023 / started graduate studies at TU Munich.
08.2023 / spent 2 months in did-deutsch Institute Munich to excel in German.
07.2023 / terminated the METU campus food blog @odtudeyemek
07.2023 / graduated as the second highest ranked student in the METU Faculty of Architecture (B.Arch)
07.2023 / attended AA Visiting School "In Other Latitudes" on scholarship
06.2023 / co-held an exhibition documenting METU Campus as the product of course#524 @CerModern
05.2023 / decided on the first part of the story. I will be in Munich this year!
05.2023 / obtained scholarship to pursue master's studies at TUM.
05.2023 / obtained Erasmus+ Mobility Grant (declined)
03.2023 / worked in an international collaborative project led and funded by WIZO Haifa
09.2022 / started to brainstorm about the graduation project
09.2022 / attended AA Visiting School "Tales of Hestia, Hearth and Stove" on full scholarship
06.2022 / attended Nesin Architecture Summer school by SO? Architecture and Ideas
06.2022 / started to work at Arcelik Global to develop integrated smart-home energy managament solutions in an interdisciplinary team of four
02.2022 / started to work as an intern architect in slasharchitects
09.2021 / co-organized EASA (European Architecture Student Assembly) in Turkey.
08.2021 / started to work as an intern field architect at Folkart Vega project
08.2021 / finalist of eib (Aegean Exporters' Associations) Ezberbozan Design Contest
07.2021 / attended Rammed Earth Workshop by MONOEARTH
2019 / achieved three different merit-based scholarships throughout the bachelor's education
2018 / started quality coffee and food blog @oncekahvem
07.2018 / attended Nesin Architecture Summer School by architects and artists
08.2018 / ranked amongst the 500 people in the nationwide university exam in three different categories
06.2018 / graduated from high school as a valedictorian on full scholarship
09.2018 / ended professional volleybal career and switched to being an ameteur tennis player
2016-2017 / mathematics high-school research project selected for exhibition by Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) + completed a chemistry project on renewable bio-energy